Our focus on partnership between the school, the parents, and local churches is essential in developing the whole student.
In 1964, Seminole Presbyterian Church established Seminole Presbyterian School as a beacon in the Tampa community for Christian Education. Today, Cambridge Christian School is an independent Christian School that has become the premier Christian School in the greater Tampa area.
From its early foundation, Cambridge Christian School sought to reach the community for Christ through the avenue of education. As an evangelistic school, Cambridge seeks to raise up future leaders who academically, socially, and spiritually can serve the local and global community for Christ. Cambridge is unapologetic in our belief that the use of Biblical training is essential in developing students who will reach the highest level of professionalism in their local communities. Cambridge was founded to develop individuals that will change the world, and today we have over 1500 alumni who are doing just that.
Cambridge is focused on providing our families with a rigorous educational experience that also allows the student to grow their talents in the arts and athletics. Serving students from three months through twelfth grade allows Cambridge to partner with families, literally from the cradle to diploma. When you partner with Cambridge Christian School, you will experience a nationally accredited education that exists to educate the whole child.
You ask, what is Cambridge Christian School all about? We are all about serving Christ through excellence; excellence at every level. When you attend Cambridge, it is a full family experience, a legacy spanning generations of Lancers, and it will transform the way you think about education. There is nothing like CCS in the Tampa community. We invite you to come and take a priority tour, and see for yourself what a difference a Cambridge Christian education can mean for your family.
See what we're all about...
We're all about Relationships, Serving Our Community, College & Life Prep, Family Investment, and Building a Legacy. Explore the videos below!Statement of Faith
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is infallible and authoritative.
- We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, substitutionary death and atonement, bodily resurrection, ascension and personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that for salvation from sin and eternal judgment, faith in Jesus Christ and regeneration by the Holy Spirit are essential.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of the Church, composed of all who are redeemed by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Core Values
The church has been and always will be the instrument to fulfill God’s purposes here on earth. The church is the expression of God’s kingdom to the world.
Acts 2:41-47
- CCS will expect all board members, administration, faculty and staff to be active members in a Bible-believing church.
- CCS will encourage all parents and their families to be active members of a Bible-believing church.
- CCS will have as one of its primary goals to beautify and strengthen the church.
- CCS will seek to partner with area churches to make Kingdom Education available for all in the community.
Christ-like Character
The demonstration of Christ-Like Character is to live a complete life as Christ would live.
Colossians 3
- CCS will train and encourage students and families to apply the qualities of Christ in their own lives.
- CCS will employ staff whose actions and attitudes model Christ.
- CCS will equip students to communicate their faith to others.
- CCS will develop discipline and behavior standards within biblical principles that lead to Christ-like behavior in the students’ lives.
Parent Partnership
Psalm 78:1-8
- CCS will provide training and resources to assist parents in building a Christian home.
- CCS will provide Kingdom Education that is accessible to all families who desire it.
- CCS will partner with families to develop policies and procedures that will be a win-win for family and school.
- CCS will assist families in the development of discipleship in the home.
Educational Excellence
A quality education is centered on biblical principles. It seeks to challenge students to reach their full potential for which God has designed them. The education should be one that provides Godly wisdom to be used for generations to come impacting homes, churches, and communities for Christ.
II Timothy 2:15
- CCS will develop an educational program based on the truths of God’s Word.
- CCS will employ and train teachers who model Godly wisdom and Christian virtues and cultivate those virtues in the lives of their students.
- CCS will use curriculum and methods in the classroom that reflect the truth of God’s Word and prepare students for a life of service in Christ.
- CCS will challenge students to develop a biblical worldview so they can intellectually engage the culture for Christ.
- CCS will provide a safe learning environment where students are actively engaged and participate in their learning.
- CCS will meet educational standards that are set forth by accreditation agencies.
- CCS will provide an education with goals and expectations so that students can achieve success that is measurable and clearly communicated.
Service Before Self
Matthew 20:26-28
- CCS will train students to follow Christ’s example of leadership through servanthood.
- CCS will involve students in activities which teach the value of service before self.
- CCS will train students to identify their spiritual gifts and use them to glorify God through service in their local school, church, and community.
Biblical Worldview
Romans 12:2
- CCS will govern itself according to biblical principles.
- CCS will integrate the Bible into every aspect of the school’s life.
- CCS will implement a spiritual development plan for board members, staff, students, and parents.
- CCS will create and use a Bible curriculum that teaches sound doctrine and equips students to defend their faith.
Serving Christ through Excellence in Academics, Athletics, and Fine Arts