Cambridge Christian Middle School offers a rigorous college preparatory educational experience that is grounded in Biblical truths.Academics
The academic program is designed to actively engage learners and inspire them to love learning. Small class sizes create safe learning environments where students collaborate and develop as 21st century learners. The middle school program provides a selection of course offerings that enhance and support academic growth. We offer three high school level courses and a varied selection of electives.
CCS is intentional when it comes to building strong, authentic relationships. Our middle school faculty is genuinely committed to establishing relationships with students and families to reflect Kingdom Education principles. Through this partnership, students are supported and encouraged to discover their passions and talents as they purse God’s will and purpose for their lives. We pursue to deepen relationships through our student clubs, student council, and advisory small groups. At CCS, we are more than just a school community, we are a family!
Building student relationships through…
- MS fellowship events (1 per semester)
- House events and competitions
- National Junior Honor Society service project & outing
- Academic Competitions
- Community Service Days
- Picnics
- Advisory Period
- Small Groups led by High School Student Ambassadors
- J-Term (8th grade trip to Washington D.C. and on-campus courses)
- 8th grade end-of-year celebration
Building parent relationships through…
- Fall new parent socials
- Annual fall Back to School Bash
- Fall parent coffees with US Principals and themed year-round coffee spots off campus
- Math program parent orientation
- Fall conference days
- PSA grade level coordinators
- Virtual distribution of US Scoop monthly newsletter
Spiritual Growth
Our greatest desire is to see students grow spiritually. We recognize that we are reaching the new post-Christian generation, who are spiritually illiterate and walking away from their faith in staggering numbers. Our MS Bible program is designed to meet these challenges. Students study both Old and New Testament as well as explore culture happenings from a Biblical Worldview perspective. Middle school students attend bible class every day and participate in a weekly chapel service. Our chapel speakers consist of local pastors from our community. Advisory groups and class retreats also provide students with opportunities to grow spiritually. Once a year we have a spiritual emphasis week that is led by a guest speaker.
Developing pre-teens that love the Lord and desire to serve him is our primary goal. Overall, our middle school program is designed with this goal in mind. As our students navigate their spiritual journey, we provide opportunities to support and challenge their Biblical Worldview.
One generation passes away, and another generation comes…Ecclesiastes 1:4 AKJV
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 NLT
Our Lancer Life Experience
Middle school is understood by many as the “awkward” time in a young student’s life. At Cambridge, it is our goal to provide an experience that rivals this thinking. Middle school students are developing physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually at a rapid pace, and our program provides a safe and nurturing culture in which our students can navigate these changes. Additionally, our heart is to provide an environment which affords numerous opportunities for students discover themselves – their unique, God-given talents and abilities. We endeavor to deliver as many varied, exciting opportunities as possible so that our students can safely step outside their comfort zone and try new experiences. Our desire is that these “Renaissance” scholars enter high school with a strong self-awareness of who they are spiritually, socially, and academically.

Middle School Events
- Homecoming Spirit Days and Activities
- Retreats
- See You at the Pole and Cambridge Days of Prayer
- Advisory and Small Groups
- 7th and 8th Grade Community Service
- Academic Competitions (Bridges, Inventions)
- Academic Award Assemblies Per Quarter
- National Junior Honor Society Induction Ceremony
- 8th Grade End-Of-Year Celebration Aboard the Yacht Starship
- 7th and 8th Grade Student of the Month

Washington DC
The 8th grade Washington D.C. trip is a Cambridge Christian tradition and is something we will continue to offer for the 2022-23 school year. The trip has been a tremendous success with over 300 students having participated over the years. A resounding number of students say that this was the highlight of their time in middle school!!
The purpose of the trip is to not only enhance the study of US History but to also enhance an appreciation for American citizenship and our national, historical, political, religious and cultural heritage. Students will experience the reverence of Arlington Cemetery, engage in devotions outside the White House and see where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech. Students will also gain insight into the role faith played in the establishment of our country and it’s impact on our Founding Fathers.
Throughout the school year both 7th and 8th grade students will participate in various community service activities that range from beach clean-up to helping Feeding Tampa Bay. We do this to help instill a heart of service. Just as Jesus came to serve, we to must serve one another in love.

Advisory and Flex Periods
The middle school enjoys both an advisory period and an afternoon flex period every Thursday. Our teacher-led Advisory Groups meet weekly. Advisors meet with students individually to discuss academic progress throughout the year as well as provide spiritual guidance. Groups will study and discuss various topics including bullying, sex education (founded on abstinence and presented through a Biblical Worldview perspective), anti-drugs campaign, and additional topics that are prevalent within their generation.
During the afternoon flex period, students have the opportunity to meet with teachers, attend study sessions, and make-up missing work. The flex period is generally designed to be a study hall which assist students with time management.
Academic and Leadership Organizations
National Junior Honor Society
House Council / Executive Board
Lancer Competitive Robotics HS/MS Team
Servant Leadership & Outreach
Each of the leadership organizations and honor societies adopt an outreach or service project every year.
National Junior Honor Society – Metropolitan Ministries and Oak Grove service projects
House Council and Executive Board – partner with various HS service projects
Grade Level Middle School Class Retreats
Each grade participates in a class retreat. Retreats are spiritually themed and organized by the MS faculty and high school student Ambassadors. The 8th grade retreat is an overnight retreat.
2018-2019 Retreats
7th Grade retreat – Dayspring
8th Grade retreat – Cedarkirk (overnight)
Academics and Curriculum
At Cambridge Christian School our academic philosophy is focused on engaging students in the learning process through an active learning approach that is grounded on the truth of God’s word. A Biblical worldview is the core/foundation for all academic courses. Our goal is to prepare students intellectually to engage our culture for Christ. We believe that active learning is the vehicle which inspires our students to embrace their pursuit of academic excellence. Project Based Learning (PBL) is one active learning approach reflected in the middle school classrooms. In PBL, students take a real-world challenge or problem and are provided time in class to think, collaborate, investigate, and explore ways to take on/solve the challenge. As students engage in PBL, they not only acquire a deeper comprehension of the content material, but they also gain confidence in their reasoning and problem-solving skills.
One of our PBL signature programs is the seventh-grade bridge unit with its corresponding in-house competition and participation in the USF Bridge Building competition. Our eighth-grade experience consists of an inventions unit with a corresponding competition.
The middle school program provides a rigorous selection of course offerings that enhance and support academic growth. We offer three high school level courses (i.e. Algebra I, Spanish I, and Honors 8th Science) and a varied selection of electives. Prerequisite courses are offered for students interested in pursuing the high school STEM distinction. Small class sizes create a learning environment in which students can excel academically.
STEM Pathways
College advising at Cambridge Christian is an individualized and personalized program that formally starts in the 9th grade.In the spring each year, the Guidance Office spends time with our 8th grade students to complete a High School Prep for Success program. This program focuses on a successful transition from 8thgrade to high school.