CCS COVID-19 Plan & Protocols

HBI – Home Based Instruction Discussion

Lower School Assistant Principal Dr. Cara Lile and Upper School Assistant Principal Nathan Stark discuss Cambridge Christian School’s new Home Based Instruction program.

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Health & Safety Updates

Base Camp Health Screening Platform

Welcome to Base Camp! We are proud to announce our school’s new partnership with Base Camp Health and their back-to-school safety platform called Ascend. You should have received a welcome email from them today and later will receive another email with your login and...

Home Based Instruction Updates

Home Based Instruction

Home-based Instruction will be made available to students who are at high-risk for severe illness pertaining to COVID-19, which would prevent normal school attendance. Students receiving Home-based Instruction may not participate in school-sponsored events. Home-based...

US Online Learning Info

Dear Lancer Family, I pray as you receive this email your family is safe and healthy.  We are definitely walking through unprecedented times; yet, I have seen so many come together for the common good.  This situation is providing us with opportunities to serve and...

US Virtual School Information

Dear Lancer Family, Well, it appears this Spring Break is certainly unique in many ways.  Despite the circumstances around COVID-19, we hope you have enjoyed some family time this past weekend.  We have intentionally waited to begin to communicate with you in order to...

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Messages from Lancerville

"Thank you for your phone call.  We appreciate you taking the time to reach out.  Our son Grant had a great week. It was a smooth transition, better than we expected.  We are working through uploading his work into to Teams. The teachers are amazing!"
Kelly Johnston
Upper School Parent
"Very thankful to stay safe and healthy, and the online transition has been great! We appreciate all that everyone at the school has done to make this as smooth as possible, and it is working very well for us."
Vivero Family
Upper School
"Very pleased with how smooth the transition to online learning has been. Kudos to the entire staff and faculty. The teachers have been wonderful, very prepared and have our children engaged.  Our daughter may be studying more now than she has ever before."
Torres Family
Upper School
“Everything is super organized, teachers are doing a great job.  Thanks for checking in with our family.”
Budwick Family
“Things are going very well, very smooth.  Teachers are checking in and we are impressed!”
Burns Family
“Things are going well and the teachers are amazing!”
Cherry Family