Once a Lancer, Always a Lancer!
Every year at graduation we honor our Lancers for Life – our graduates that have attended since 1st grade. On their way out the door, we remind them, “Once a Lancer, Always a Lancer.” Inevitably, these alumni later return to tell us how their CCS experience prepared them for college and life. Three primary themes emerge from their reports: learning, loving, and leading.
Learning: One might suggest that this goes without saying, but we know that not all schools provide enriching environments, stimulating curriculum, and engaging teachers. Life as a Lancer includes all the above. CCS is committed to providing a research-based education utilizing best practices to teach 21st century skills. However, the learning at CCS extends beyond the classroom to an abundance of academic extracurricular opportunities and competitions that promote collaboration and critical thinking. Further, the culture and size at CCS both encourage participation and embracing challenges.
Loving: Lancers are loved. The relationships formed on the CCS campus are unlike those in most schools because they are founded in the promise of God’s unconditional love for us. Students are known, prayed for, and discipled. Staff and older students mentor younger students. Upperclassmen are provided the opportunity to serve as ambassadors to the current and prospective Lancer families. In so doing, they model the Lancer legacy that was laid out before them.
Leading: Lancers learn to acknowledge, subscribe to, and defend truth. They are also presented with false theories so they are prepared to refute them. Lancers are taught to engage culture and confront it when so led. From Christian Student Leadership Club in Lower School to Student Leadership Institute in Upper School, students are trained on the importance of servant leadership and provided practical opportunities for application. Students are viewed as people that will God will use to change the world, and they are positioned to begin this change on our campus and in our community.
Despite the Lancer Life, Lancers are not perfect while in school or beyond. Still, we strive for the excellence in our mission statement while ever thankful for the freedom to do so in God’s grace. It is by His grace alone that we are saved, and He has blessed us with life as Lancers!

Congratulations Seniors!
Show Off Your Lancer Pride!
In the last parent survey of the school, our Campus Store had the highest marks across the board! It has become the center of Lancer Life, showcasing a wide variety of spirit apparel, car swag, mugs, stuffed animals, snacks and hospitality to spare!
Heidi Horst is the heart and soul of our store, bringing in the best selection of merchandise and style to Lancerville. Her goal is to see all our Lancers looking sharp in their newest spirit wear. Next time you are on campus, be sure to stop by our store and see why it has become the pride of all things Lancer! If you would like to schedule a time to visit the store, please call Heidi at 813-624-5110 or email her at hhorst@ccslancers.com. Campus Store hours are 7:30am-10:00am and 1:30pm-4:00pm.

Pro Rege is Latin and is interpreted, “For the King.” It demonstrates that everything that is to be done at Cambridge Christian School is focused and carried out in an effort to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Bible and Lamp
The Bible and Lamp represent an understanding of Psalm119:105, “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” Every aspect of Cambridge Christian School must be guided by this principle.
The laurel is a Mediterranean evergreen tree. The laurel represents honor and glory continually won for great achievement to God’s glory in all areas of the school. A wreath of laurel was conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes and victors in the arenas of art contests.
The Cambridge Christian Mission statement speaks directly of excellence in athletics and that focus is represented within the school seal.
Eternal Flame
The Eternal Flame represents that learning is a life long process that never ends.
School Colors
The Blue and the Gold.
Blue = Trust, Honesty, Loyalty
Gold = Success, Achievement, Triumph
School Verse
Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men.”