Raising a Modern Day Knight (Lancer)

Raising boys to become godly men is NOT EASY – IF we help each other, we can do it better’

A community of men can encourage each other and DO GREAT THINGS. Come and join us!

Who: Cambridge Christian School DADS that have boys (other dads are also welcome)

When: Sunday Evenings for 6 Weeks

Starting September 13th, and Ending October 18th

6:50pm – 8:50pm

Cost: $35.00 (workbook & book)

What: 6 Week Raising a Modern Day Knight DVD, Discussion Series and Ceremony

Where: Cambridge Christian School – Multipurpose Room (upper school lunch room)

Kingdom Parent: This class qualifies for the CCS Kingdom Parent Discount. Dads that participate in all six meetings will qualify.

Note: The first five meetings will be for the Dads ONLY. The last (6th) meeting will include our boys where we will participate in a memorable Commitment Ceremony.

Sign Up and Commit: Contact Coach Ater – sater@ccslancers.com or 813-505-9774

Goals of the Class:

  1. Learn and discuss specific godly principles for being godly men.
  2. Learn and discuss ways to be purposeful in our approach with our boys
  3. Build a community of men at Cambridge Christian School