The Greatest Author, The Greatest Story
In my Christian walk, believing in Christ was an easy decision. Surrendering and trusting Him completely with my life, not so much.
In my Christian walk, believing in Christ was an easy decision. Surrendering and trusting Him completely with my life, not so much.
The Jews ask the most important question that all of us must ultimately answer. They ask, “Jesus who are you?” This is the question that everyone who lives on earth must answer and one day will give an account to God.
The word “first-born” (Greek word “prototokos”) signifies priority. In the culture of the Bible times, the first-born was not necessarily the oldest child. First-born referred not to birth order but to rank. The first-born possessed the inheritance and leadership.
To distinguish what is true, we sometimes need to gather facts in order to come to a realization as to whether something is real or false.
Not only was Jesus a human being who John knew and loved, but also the perfect example of God’s holiness.
Every so often, someone coins a phrase that encapsulates a set of concepts to which we subscribe. At Cambridge Christian School (CCS), one such phrase is “single school culture.”