CCS has a very important goal, central to educational endeavors: that is to integrate Biblical principles within every subject. This vital purpose means our students need an ever-growing understanding of what the Bible actually says and means.  Is it simply a dusty collection of irrelevant stories of questionable origin? Or…is it actually a living source of divine revelation that provides the surest foundation for meaningfully living in this world and the next?

Each CCS upper school student has the opportunity for an important encounter with God’s truth every day.  How can that student succeed in that Bible class?
3 important factors:

  1. Come to class really believing that what happens there is truly important (as important as, if not more than, any other subject).
  2. Choose to consistently and actively participate in the discussion-based investigation of the Bible class material.
  3. Personally ask God to use those Bible investigations in guiding each day’s journey.

As we watch the unfolding events and mindsets of our modern world, we become more and more convinced of the desperate need for a central moral guidance system that rests firmly upon absolute truth given to us by the One who loves us more than we can fully comprehend. His Word, indeed, is the “library” of that very truth.