Dear Lancer Family,

The remote learning approach at CCS has now been extended through May 1st, as it has for the whole state of Florida and many other states. Therefore, we are currently slated for a May 4th return to on-campus classes. While this is probably no one’s preference, it has been deemed necessary in the ongoing attempt to flatten the coronavirus curve. CCS will press forward and come as close as we can to excellence from a distance.

We have been greatly encouraged to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback on the transition to remote learning. Much appreciation goes to the CCS:

  • Teachers for learning and implementing new systems effectively in very short order and continuing to love on our students and families throughout
  • Students for successfully adjusting to a new platform for learning
  • Parents for partnering with us on a level no one knew would be expected

This is the definition of a team effort. Please pray for our seniors, as this has been particularly difficult for them. We are also praying for our families that are being affected by job loss or reduction. We do not want anyone to have to leave Cambridge!

For His Kingdom,

Shawn Minks, M. Ed.

Shawn Minks  | Head of School  | Cambridge Christian School

6101 N. Habana Avenue | Tampa, FL 33614

Phone: 813.872.6744 (248) Fax: 813.874.8130